Artist Statement

Art making has been a 35 year long journey for me. My early works were in a figurative expressionist style and mostly in oil.  A style which found pause in 1997 when I started painting in abstraction. I painted mainly in acrylic, watercolor and ink. Media in which I find preserve the immediacy and movement of strokes. With youthful vigor I read the treatises of  Kandinsky and Albers. I studied the works of Rothko, Bacon, Pollock and DeKooning. I found my voice creating in a language of line, form, color and movement. Which has gone through phases of patterning and without. It has always had grounding in color balance. Painting for me is a form of meditation and emoting. The picture plane is a place where my inner and outer world meets. It’s a place of turbulence, rapture, ecstasy and longing. Ultimately my works are attempts to express the things I have no words for. 

-Thomas Carr 2022 

Photo by Gary Petty